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By: H. Kulak, M.A.S., M.D.

Deputy Director, Florida State University College of Medicine

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Axial T1 C fat-saturated images demonstrate lateral extension to the right masticator space lateral pterygoid muscle. Note the superior extension to the right cavernous sinus (top right), which is T4 disease in both seventh and eighth editions. Sagittal T1 (left) shows the mass filling the nasopharynx while the T1 C with fat saturation (right) shows lateral extension of the mass into the left parotid gland. In the 8th edition, involvement of the parotid gland or extension of tumor beyond the lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid muscle determines T4 status. Conventional digital cameras possess a filter designed to block the infrared spectrum of light while passing through visible light. Infrared-converted cameras have this filter either removed or replaced with one that only allows a small portion of the infrared spectrum. Skarupski n School of Medicine leadership forums, affinity group meetings of the Association of American Medical Colleges, and at the American Medical Association, everyone is talking about "resilience," "burnout," and "attrition. In our field of neuroradiology, recognized by the readership of the American Journal of Neuroradiology as the best profession ever, we too have experienced anxiety when we hear about the future changes in health care that dampen our positive attitudes. However, if we focus only on how to build resilience, prevent burnout, handle disappointments, or prevent attrition, we have already lost the battle. In this short editorial, we hope to provide you with some tips on returning joy to neuroradiology. One of the best ways to foster a happy workplace is to have an attitude of gratitude, in which finding someone doing something right is the norm. Consider "Thankful Thursdays," when people are encouraged to acknowledge the exceptionally positive interactions in their work life in a public way. I Mindfulness While we all must be planful about addressing the challenges of the future, mindfulness training brings one back to present conditions. When mindful, one focuses awareness on the present moment, channeling the inner harmony of body and mind, yet being available to others. Mission Centric Believing in the principles of the mission of your work is the first step to joyfulness in that work. If you believe in the vision and values of your practice and the worthiness of committing energy to its success, you will have a sense of purpose that enables a sense of satisfaction. Having leadership dress up in self-deprecating costumes for Halloween or Santa outfits for the winter holidays are examples of transforming the dreariness of the mundane into a super-special delightful day. The suspense about how the boss will be dressed this year in September and October lends a cheerfulness to the workplace that far exceeds the cost of an Ironman costume. A 5-minute dance party elevates the mood and energizes an often-sluggish midafternoon (the introverts here get to pick the music, clap on the side, and take the embarrassing videos to post to social media). Empowerment Physicians are often, by virtue of their profession, considered leaders in their community. Part of enhancing job satisfaction resides in finding the individual niches in which all members of the team are empowered and eager to lead, grow, and excel. Celebrations Festivities that acknowledge group and individual successes or milestones help to create a positive mental outlook at work. Instead of going to the corner bar for champagne, let the workplace become associated with the successes and the happy place where those successes are recognized. Combine the partying with acknowledgment of the diversity within your work group by selecting ethnic food for the revelry with nation-specific music selections, and you can multiply the good will that such celebrations inspire. Take the opportunity to acknowledge success and have the work environment be the place for celebrations. Executive leadership and physician well-being: nine organizational strategies to promote engagement and reduce burnout.

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Gastrostomy feedings are preferred as they allow more flexibility with schedule and can mimic normal feeding schedules medicine woman cast buy dramamine 50mg fast delivery. Gastrostomy tubes do not irritate nasal passages medications kidney patients should avoid cheap dramamine 50 mg fast delivery, the esophagus medicine 19th century buy 50 mg dramamine otc, or the trachea symptoms 5 days before missed period order discount dramamine on line, cause facial skin irritation, or interfere with breathing. The mouth and throat are free for normal feeding if the child is safe to feed orally. A gastrostomy with a large-bore tube allows for a more viscous formula and thus a lower risk of tube occlusion. Another alternative is the percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, which may be done as an outpatient procedure. Disadvantages of gastrostomy feeding include the surgery or endoscopy required to place the tube, possible skin irritation or infection around the gastrostomy site, and a slight risk of intra-abdominal leakage resulting in peritonitis. The child with poor gastric emptying, severe reflux or vomiting, or at risk for aspiration may not be a good candidate for a gastric placed tube (1,2,3). Jejunal Tube Feeding Jejunal tubes can be placed surgically or via percutaneous endoscopy. The jejunal tube bypasses the stomach decreasing the risk of gastric reflux and aspiration. However, even for children with gastric retention and a high risk of aspiration, there are disadvantages to jejunal feeding. They usually require continuous drip feeding which results in limited patient mobility and decreased ability to lead a "normal" life. Finally, when compared to gastric feedings, they carry a greater risk of formula intolerance, which may lead to nausea, diarrhea, and cramps. Standard formulas may be given in the small intestine if tolerated, however, elemental or semi-elemental formulas may be required if the child demonstrates formula intolerance (2,4). Many of the complications of tube feeding arise from improper administration of formula. Bolus Feeding Bolus feedings are defined amounts of formula or "meals" delivered four to eight times during the day. The advantages of bolus feedings over continuous drip feeding are that bolus feedings are more similar to a normal feeding pattern, more convenient, and less expensive if a pump is not needed. Furthermore, bolus feedings allow freedom of movement, so the child is not tethered to a feeding bag. A disadvantage of bolus feedings is that they may be aspirated more easily than continuous drip feedings. For some children, bolus feedings may cause bloating, cramping, nausea and diarrhea. It may not be practical to use bolus feedings with a child when the volume of formula a child needs is large or requires that the child needs to be fed around the clock (4,5). It is common to use drip feedings for 8 to 10 hours overnight with children who cannot tolerate large volumes of formula. The flow rate of gravity drip may be inconsistent and needs to be checked frequently. A child may start out with continuous drip feedings and, as tolerance improves, graduate to bolus feedings or a combination of the two. Continuous feeding may be better tolerated than bolus feeding by children who are sensitive to volume, are at high risk for aspiration, or have gastroesophageal reflux. Continuous feeding can be administered at night, so it will not interfere with daytime Nutrition Interventions for Children With Special Health Care Needs 347 Appendix N activities. When feedings are delivered continuously, stool output is reduced, a consideration for the child with chronic diarrhea. A disadvantage of continuous feeding is that although feedings can be scheduled at night and during naptime, the child is "tied" to the feeding equipment during the infusion. However, there are smaller and lighter pumps available to make life easier for the family. Continuous feeding is more expensive because of the cost of supplies including the pump. Large-bore tubes partially block the airways, may interfere with the function of the gastroesophageal sphincter, and may irritate the nose and throat. Most tubes are made of polyurethane or silicone, both of which remain soft and flexible over time. They allow feeding tubes to be attached 348 Nutrition Interventions for Children With Special Health Care Needs Appendix N only when the child is being fed.

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Cargill Philanthropies and the McKnight Foundation treatment improvement protocol buy discount dramamine line, allowed the investment strategy to be broadened beyond the original set of thematic symptoms pinched nerve neck safe dramamine 50mg, geographic and taxonomic priorities georges marvellous medicine purchase 50 mg dramamine visa. Demonstrate innovative responses to illegal trafficking and consumption of wildlife medications nurses order genuine dramamine on line. Empower local communities to engage in conservation and management of priority Key Biodiversity Areas. Engage key actors in mainstreaming biodiversity, communities and livelihoods into development planning in the priority corridors. Strengthen the capacity of civil society to work on biodiversity, communities and livelihoods at regional, national, local and grassroots levels. Provide strategic leadership and effective coordination of conservation investment through a regional implementation team. The list of priority species increased from 67 to 152, reflecting the gravity of the species extinction crisis in Southeast Asia (Duckworth et al. The impacts of these grants were assessed at a final assessment workshop, held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, in May 2019. Tangible wellbeing benefits gained by 123 local communities, including improved land tenure, food security and access to ecosystem services. Impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services of 13 development policies, plans and programs analyzed and mitigating measures proposed. Public debate and awareness of 10 key environmental issues increased through coverage in domestic media. Five pilot models for biodiversity-friendly production established, including rice farming, medicinal plant collection and cement manufacture. Establishment or strengthening of 49 civil society networks, enabling collective responses to priority and emerging threats. Additional stakeholders were involved indirectly, by contributing to the main source documents that were drawn on to update the ecosystem profile: the situational analysis and the long-term vision (see below). In this regard, this document should not be considered a new analysis but, rather, an update of an earlier analysis, which was itself a living document. For instance, the investment strategy was updated at the mid-term assessment workshop in March 2015, resulting in changes to the lists of investment priorities, and priority species and sites. For the 2019-2020 update, each chapter of the 2011 ecosystem profile was reviewed, and information and analysis that was still current was retained, while information and analysis that was out of date was replaced. Another key source document was a shared situational analysis prepared on behalf of the Lower Mekong Network by the Biodiversity Consultancy Ltd and its sub-consultants (Lower Mekong Network 2018). This analysis incorporated inputs from more than 30 organizations participating in the Lower Mekong Network, plus around 40 other stakeholders from civil society, government and the private sector. Relevant sections of the shared situational analysis were incorporated into the ecosystem profile, to reflect current perspectives from actors likely to among the main users of the document. The long-term vision was prepared through review and synthesis of secondary information, as well as consultations with more than 100 key stakeholders. Global conservation priorities and best practices for their management are documented, disseminated and used by public and private sector, civil society and donor agencies to guide their support for conservation in the region. Adequate and continual financial resources are available to address conservation of global priorities. Public policies, the capacity to implement them, and private sector business practices are supportive of the conservation of global biodiversity. The ecosystem profile was aligned with these criteria and targets but, because it covers a shorter time period than the long-term vision (five years versus 15), it does not address them all. Each thematic study was led by a consultant, and involved some combination of desk study, one-to-one interviews and email correspondence. The output of each thematic study was a report, which was modified and integrated into the draft ecosystem profile. Participants were asked to reexamine the investment strategy for the Indo-Burma Hotspot (Chapter 12) and propose revisions that respond to new needs and opportunities.

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