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By: B. Varek, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

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During the first session with a new client z pak medications cheap glucophage sr 500mg line, personal trainers should discuss the amount and type of social support the client may need or have treatment restless leg syndrome purchase genuine glucophage sr online. When talking about prior exercise successes symptoms zithromax buy cheap glucophage sr 500mg on line, people may mention or attribute their past exercise successes to a workout buddy symptoms of dehydration discount glucophage sr 500mg free shipping, a family member, or a friend. If a conversation does not go in this direction, some questions that might be asked include the following: Were other people involved in your past successes Inevitably exercise adherence and success can be partially attributed to social support. Some clients may have a strong social support network whereas other clients may have a limited number of connections. For clients who have a strong social support network, have a conversation with them about how to use the social support they have available. For clients who have a limited social support network or no social support network, trainers should help clients find the social support they need to adhere to an exercise program. There are usually several opportunities within a fitness facility that will assist personal trainers in helping clients find areas of social support. One very simple way of helping a client find social support is to introduce them to other staff and members at the fitness facility. Trainers can also design small-group training classes and encourage their existing clients to invite friends, coworkers, or family members. Lastly, provide informal orientation sessions for groups of new members, helping to connect them. Although people with a strong social support fare better with exercise adherence, many people do enjoy exercising alone. Generally these people use exercise to get away from people, to spend some time alone, to think, or to destress and relax. People who like to exercise alone may have strong social support at work or home that enables them to exercise regularly. It is difficult for people to connect their successful exercise experiences to social support, just as it may be difficult for some clients to connect their unsuccessful exercise experiences to lack of social support. Some of these support mechanisms include instrumental support, emotional support, informational support, and companionship support. Instrumental Support Instrumental support is the tangible and practical factors necessary to help a person adhere to exercise or achieve exercise goals. Some examples include transportation to a fitness facility, a babysitter, or a spotter for weightlifting at the gym. Components of instrumental support that are unsupported actually turn into barriers. People will not be able to adhere to an exercise program if there are tangible things that get in the way of them being able to exercise. For example, if a client does not have transportation, how is that client going to be able to get to the fitness facility every day Emotional Support Emotional support is expressed through encouragement, caring, empathy, and concern. Praising a client for his or her efforts, encouraging a client to work harder, and sympathizing with a client when he or she complains about sore muscles are all examples of emotional support (18). Although emotional support goes a bit deeper, it can come in the form of an affirmation. Informational Support Informational support is one of the main reasons that clients come to personal trainers in the first place. This type of support includes the directions, advice, or suggestions given to clients about how to exercise and the feedback regarding their progress. As discussed in the communication section, how trainers provide this type of information is also important. Informational support can come from formal sources such as personal trainers, group exercise instructors, or other health and fitness professionals or it can come from informal sources such as family and friends who share their own exercise experiences. As discussed in the first few paragraphs of this section, similar to social support, companionship support includes the availability of family, friends, and coworkers with whom clients can exercise. Companionship during exercise produces positive feelings and may distract people from negative exercise-related feelings such as fatigue, pain, and boredom. Some of these influences include spouses, parents, exercise leaders, and peers participating in a fitness group. Family the positive effects of a supportive spouse or partner on exercise behavior have been consistently demonstrated in published research.

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