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By: E. Eusebio, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, New York University School of Medicine

Thi s medi ca ti on i s not to be us ed for a cute mi gra i ne a tta cks; i t ma y hel p prevent mi gra i ne hea da ches muscle relaxant usage 400mg carbamazepine visa. Ma y ca us e drows i nes s muscle relaxant 800 mg order cheap carbamazepine, di zzi nes s spasms early pregnancy buy carbamazepine with american express, a nxi ety muscle relaxant cz 10 quality 400 mg carbamazepine, or fa ti gue (us e ca uti on when dri vi ng or enga gi ng i n ta s ks requi ri ng a l ertnes s unti l res pons e to drug i n known); na us ea, vomi ti ng, hea rtburn, dry mouth (s ma l l, frequent mea l s, frequent mouth ca re ma y hel p, chewi ng gum, or s ucki ng l ozenges ma y hel p). Report ra s h; mus cl e a ches, wea knes s, or tremors; unus ua l a nxi ety or confus i on; ra pi d hea rtbea t, or other pers i s tent a dvers e effects. Pha rma codyna mi cs /Ki neti cs Abs orpti on: Wel l a bs orbed Di s tri buti on: Vd: Mea n: 43. Concomi ta nt us e wi th ps ychotropi cs ma y produce a ddi ti ve s eda ti ve effects. Index Terms Fl una ri zi ne Hydrochl ori de References Ka ri ya S, Is oza ki S, Uchi no K, et a l, "Oxi da ti ve Meta bol i s m of Fl una ri zi ne a nd Ci nna ri zi ne by Mi cros omes From B-Lymphobl a s toi d Cel l Li nes Expres s i ng Huma n Cytochrome P450 Enzymes," Biol Pharm Bull, 1996, 19(11):1511-4. Asthma: Ora l Inha l a ti on: AeroBi d: Chi l dren 6-15 yea rs: 2 i nha l a ti ons twi ce da i l y (morni ng a nd eveni ng); up to 4 i nha l a ti ons /da y Chi l dren 16 yea rs: Refer to a dul t dos i ng. Seasonal allergic rhinitis: Intra na s a l: Chi l dren 6-14 yea rs: 1 s pra y ea ch nos tri l 3 ti mes da i l y or 2 s pra ys i n ea ch nos tri l twi ce da i l y; not to exceed 4 s pra ys /da y i n ea ch nos tri l (200 mcg/da y) Chi l dren 15 yea rs: Refer to a dul t dos i ng. Begi n i nha l a ti on i mmedi a tel y pri or to a ctua ti on; a del a y ma y reduce dos e by 75%. Do not us e thi s product to tra ns fer pa ti ents from ora l corti cos teroi d thera py. Geri a tri c Cons i dera ti ons Ma ny el derl y pa ti ents ha ve di ffi cul ty us i ng metered dos e i nha l ers, whi ch ca n l i mi t thei r effecti venes s. Pregna ncy Ri s k Fa ctorC Pregna ncy Cons i dera ti ons No da ta on cros s i ng the pl a centa or effects on the fetus. Risk C: Monitor therapy Thi a zi de Di ureti cs: Corti cos teroi ds (Ora l l y Inha l ed) ma y enha nce the hypoka l emi c effect of Thi a zi de Di ureti cs. Risk C: Monitor therapy Nurs i ng: Phys i ca l As s es s ment/Moni tori ngNot to be us ed to trea t s ta tus a s thma ti cus or funga l i nfecti ons of na s a l pa s s a ges. When cha ngi ng from s ys temi c s teroi ds to i nha l a ti ona l s teroi d, ta per reducti on of s ys temi c medi ca ti on s l owl y. Pa ti ent Educa ti onThi s medi ca ti on i s not i ntended to trea t a n a cute a s thma a tta ck. Us e a s di rected; do not us e na s a l prepa ra ti ons for ora l i nha l a ti on. Do not i ncrea s e dos a ge or di s conti nue a bruptl y wi thout cons ul ti ng pres cri ber. Al wa ys ri ns e mouth a nd throa t a fter us e of i nha l er to prevent opportuni s ti c i nfecti on. You ma y experi ence di zzi nes s, a nxi ety, or bl urred vi s i on (ri s e s l owl y from s i tti ng or l yi ng pos i ti on a nd us e ca uti on when dri vi ng or enga gi ng i n ta s ks requi ri ng a l ertnes s unti l res pons e to drug i s known); or ta s the di s turba nce or a fterta s the (frequent mouth ca re a nd mouth ri ns es ma y hel p). Report poundi ng hea rtbea t or ches t pa i n; a cute nervous nes s or i na bi l i ty to s l eep; s evere s neezi ng or nos ebl eed; res pi ra tory di ffi cul ty, s ore throa t, hoa rs enes s, or bronchi ti s; res pi ra tory di ffi cul ty or bronchos pa s ms; di s turbed mens trua l pa ttern; vi s i on cha nges; l os s of ta s the or s mel l percepti on; or wors eni ng of condi ti on or l a ck of i mprovement. Hol d brea th for 5-10 s econds a fter us e, a nd wa i t 1-3 mi nutes between i nha l a ti ons. Aeros ol for ora l i nha l a ti on: AeroBi d: 250 mcg/a ctua ti on (7 g) [100 metered i nha l a ti ons; conta i ns chl orofl uoroca rbon] AeroBi d-M: 250 mcg/a ctua ti on (7 g) [100 metered i nha l a ti ons; conta i ns chl orofl uoroca rbon; menthol fl a vor] Sol uti on, i ntra na s a l [s pra y]: 25 mcg/a ctua ti on (25 mL); 29 mcg/a ctua ti on (25 mL) [200 s pra ys] Na s a rel : 29 mcg/a ctua ti on (25 mL) [200 s pra ys; conta i ns benza l koni um chl ori de] Generi c Ava i l a bl eYes: Na s a l s pra y Pri ci ng: U. The potenti a l for "ca tch up" growth fol l owi ng di s conti nua ti on of trea tment wi th i nha l ed corti cos teroi ds ha s not been a dequa tel y s tudi ed. Appl y to l es i on a nd 1 / 2 i nch of norma l -a ppea ri ng s ki n s urroundi ng ea ch l es i on. Concurrent drug therapy issues: Hormona l contra cepti ves: Cons i der cha ngi ng to nonhormona l contra cepti ve mea s ures i n pa ti ents who ma y be recei vi ng hormona l contra cepti ves. Dosage form specific issues: Sodi um meta bi s ul fa te: Conta i ns s odi um meta bi s ul fi te; ma y ca us e hypers ens i ti vi ty rea cti ons, i ncl udi ng a na phyl a xi s, i n i ndi vi dua l s wi th s ul fi the a l l ergy. Loca l i rri ta ti on, drynes s, a nd pruri tus ma y be expected fol l owi ng a ppl i ca ti on. Avoi d conta ct wi th a bra ded s ki n, mucous membra nes, eyes, mouth, a ngl es of the nos.

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Hydrocodone: Ons et of a cti on: Na rcoti c a na l ges i c: 10-20 mi nutes Dura ti on: 4-8 hours Meta bol i s m: Hepa ti c; O-demethyl a ti on; N-demethyl a ti on a nd 6-ketos teroi d reducti on Ha l f-l i fe el i mi na ti on: 3 spasms hamstring buy carbamazepine without a prescription. Dos i ng: Pedi a tri cRel i ef of cough muscle relaxant 800 mg carbamazepine 100mg otc, conges ti on muscle relaxant lactation purchase carbamazepine 400mg line, a nd runny nos e: Ora l: Chi l dren 2-10 years: Dos i ng ba s ed on hydrocodone content: 0 muscle relaxant triazolam purchase carbamazepine paypal. Al terna tel y, the fol l owi ng dos i ng ma y be us ed ba s ed on a ge: 2-4 years: 1. Admi ni s tra ti on: Ora l Dos es s houl d be a dmi ni s tered every 4-6 hours, up to 4 ti mes /da y. Special populations: El derl y: Us e wi th ca uti on i n pa ti ents >60 yea rs of a ge. Wi thdra wa l s ymptoms ma y be obs erved i n ba bi es born to mothers ta ki ng opi oi ds regul a rl y duri ng pregna ncy. La cta ti onExcreti on i n brea s t mi l k unknown/us e ca uti on Brea s t-Feedi ng Cons i dera ti ons It i s not known i f ca rbi noxa mi ne i s found i n brea s t mi l k. Al s o refer to the i ndi vi dua l Ps eudoephedri ne a nd Ca rbi noxa mi ne monogra phs. Ca rbi noxa mi ne competes wi th hi s ta mi ne for H 1 -receptor s i tes on effector cel l s i n the ga s troi ntes ti na l tra ct, bl ood ves s el s, a nd res pi ra tory tra ct. Rel a ted Informa ti on Ca rbi noxa mi ne Ps eudoephedri ne Denta l Hea l th: Effects on Denta l Trea tmentKey a dvers e event(s) rel a ted to denta l trea tment: Ps eudoephedri ne: Xeros tomi a (norma l s a l i va ry fl ow res umes upon di s conti nua ti on). Other warnings/precautions: Appropri a the us e: Do not us e wi th other products conta i ni ng di phenhydra mi ne, even ones us ed on the s ki n. La cta ti onExcreti on i n brea s t mi l k unknown/contra i ndi ca ted Brea s t-Feedi ng Cons i dera ti ons It i s not known i f phenyl ephri ne i s found i n brea s t mi l k. Us e of thi s combi na ti on i s contra i ndi ca ted by the ma nufa cturers whi l e brea s t-feedi ng. Risk C: Monitor therapy Pra ml i nti de: Ma y enha nce the a nti chol i nergi c effect of Anti chol i nergi cs. Nurs i ng: Phys i ca l As s es s ment/Moni tori ngSee i ndi vi dua l a gents for Phenyl ephri ne a nd Di phenhydra mi ne. Pa ti ent Educa ti onSee i ndi vi dua l a gents for Phenyl ephri ne a nd Di phenhydra mi ne. Denta l Hea l th: Va s ocons tri ctor/Loca l Anes theti c Preca uti ons Us e wi th ca uti on s i nce phenyl ephri ne i s a s ympa thomi meti c a mi ne whi ch coul d i ntera ct wi th epi nephri ne to ca us e a pres s or res pons e Menta l Hea l th: Effects on Menta l Sta tus Di phenhydra mi ne ma y ca us e pa ra doxi ca l exci ta ti on i n pedi a tri c pa ti ents a nd ca n res ul t i n ha l l uci na ti ons, coma, a nd dea th i n overdos. Seda ti on i s common; ma y ca us e di zzi nes s, fa ti gue, nervous nes s, i ns omni a, euphori a, or confus i on; ma y ra rel y ca us e ha l l uci na ti ons. Ra re reports of a gra nul ocytos i s a nd thrombocytopeni a; us e ca uti on wi th cl oza pi ne, ca rba ma zepi ne, va l proi c a ci d, a nd mi rta za pi ne. Thera peuti c effects of chol i nergi c a gents (donepezi l, ri va s ti gmi ne, a nd ga l a nta mi ne) ma y be a nta goni zed. Concurrent us e wi th ps ychotropi c a gents ma y res ul t i n a ddi ti ve s eda ti ve a nd a nti chol i nergi c effects; moni tor. La cta ti onExcreti on i n brea s t mi l k unknown/us e ca uti on Brea s t-Feedi ng Cons i dera ti ons Hydrocodone i s excreted i n brea s t mi l k; i nforma ti on for gua i fenes i n a nd phenyl ephri ne i s not a va i l a bl. Risk X: Avoid combination Pegvi s oma nt: Ana l ges i cs (Opi oi d) ma y di mi ni s h the thera peuti c effect of Pegvi s oma nt. Risk D: Consider therapy modification Sel ecti ve Serotoni n Reupta ke Inhi bi tors: Ana l ges i cs (Opi oi d) ma y enha nce the s erotonergi c effect of Sel ecti ve Serotoni n Reupta ke Inhi bi tors. Nurs i ng: Phys i ca l As s es s ment/Moni tori ngSee i ndi vi dua l a gents for Phenyl ephri ne a nd Gua i fenes i n. Pa ti ent Educa ti onSee i ndi vi dua l a gents for Phenyl ephri ne a nd Gua i fenes i n. Phenyl ephri ne i s a di rect-a cti ng a l pha -a drenergi c s ti mul a tor wi th wea k beta -a drenergi c a cti vi ty; ca us es va s ocons tri cti on of the a rteri ol es of the na s a l mucos a a nd conjuncti va; a cti va tes the di l a tor mus cl e of the pupi l to ca us e contra cti on; produces va s ocons tri cti on of a rteri ol es i n the body; produces s ys temi c a rteri a l va s ocons tri cti on. Dextroa mpheta mi ne ma y enha nce the a na l ges i c effect of opi a the a goni s ts. Chl orproma zi ne, fl uoxeti ne, pa roxeti ne, pergol i de, a nd ropi ni rol e ma y decrea s e the effects of hydrocodone. La cta ti onEnters brea s t mi l k/contra i ndi ca ted Brea s t-Feedi ng Cons i dera ti ons Hydrocodone a nd ps eudoephedri ne a re excreted i n brea s t mi l k; i nforma ti on for gua i fenes i n i s not a va i l a bl.

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Pha rma codyna mi cs /Ki neti cs See Gua i fenes i n a nd Ps eudoephedri ne monogra phs muscle relaxant kidney stones buy carbamazepine master card. Hydrocodone: Ons et of a cti on: Na rcoti c a na l ges i c: 10-20 mi nutes Dura ti on: 4-8 hours Di s tri buti on: Cros s es pl a centa Meta bol i s m: Hepa ti c; O-demethyl a ti on; N-demethyl a ti on a nd 6-ketos teroi d reducti on Ha l f-l i fe el i mi na ti on: 3 muscle relaxant drugs discount 100mg carbamazepine with amex. Note: Incons i s tenci es ha ve occurred wi th l i qui d formul a ti ons; ta bl ets ma y provi de more rel i a bl e l evel s muscle relaxant for elderly effective 200mg carbamazepine. Dos es mus t be i ndi vi dua l i zed by moni tori ng growth spasms on left side of chest purchase carbamazepine 400mg visa, bone a ge, a nd hormona l l evel s. Mi nera l ocorti coi d a nd s odi um s uppl ementa ti on ma y be requi red ba s ed upon el ectrol yte regul a ti on a nd pl a s ma reni n a cti vi ty. Once pa ti ent i s s ta bl e cha nge to ora l, 50 mg every 8 hours for 6 dos es, then ta per to 30-50 mg/da y i n di vi ded dos es. Adrenal insufficiency (chronic)/physiologic replacement: Ora l: 20-30 mg/da y Anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive: Ora l, I. Dos i ng: Pedi a tri cDos e s houl d be ba s ed on s everi ty of di s ea s e a nd pa ti ent res pons. Adrenal hyperplasia (congenital): Ora l: Ini ti a l: 10-20 mg/m 2 /da y i n 3 di vi ded dos es; a va ri ety of dos i ng s chedul es ha ve been us ed. Mi nera l ocorti coi d a nd s odi um s uppl ementa ti on ma y be requi red ba s ed upon el ectrol yte regul a ti on a nd pl a s ma reni n a cti vi ty Adrenal insufficiency (acute): I. Dermatosis: Topi ca l: Chi l dren >2 yea rs: Appl y to a ffected a rea 2-4 ti mes /da y (Butepra te: Appl y once or twi ce da i l y). Dos i ng: Combi na ti on Regi mens Pros ta the ca ncer: Es tra mus ti ne + Doceta xel + Hydrocorti s one Mi toxa ntrone + Hydrocorti s one Ca l cul a ti ons Corti cos teroi d Convers i on Admi ni s tra ti on: I. Pa rentera l: Hydrocorti s one s odi um s ucci na the ma y be a dmi ni s tered by I. Admi ni s tra ti on: Topi ca l Appl y a thi n fi l m s pa ri ngl y to cl ea n, dry s ki n a nd rub i n gentl y. Di eta ry Cons i dera ti ons Sys temi c us e of corti cos teroi ds ma y requi re a di et wi th i ncrea s ed pota s s i um, vi ta mi ns A, B 6, C, D, fol a te, ca l ci um, zi nc, phos phorus, a nd decrea s ed s odi um. Hydrocorti s one s odi um phos pha the a nd hydrocorti s one s odi um s ucci na the a re cl ea r, l i ght yel l ow s ol uti ons whi ch a re hea t l a bi l. Sodi um s ucci na te: After i ni ti a l recons ti tuti on, hydrocorti s one s odi um s ucci na the s ol uti ons a re s ta bl e for 3 da ys a t room tempera ture or under refri gera ti on when protected from l i ght. Sta bi l i ty of pa rentera l a dmi xture (Sol u-Cortef) a t room tempera ture (25°C) a nd a t refri gera ti on tempera ture (4°C) i s concentra ti on-dependent: Sta bi l i ty of concentra ti on 1 mg/mL: 24 hours. Recons ti tuti on Sodi um s ucci na te: Recons ti tute 100 mg vi a l s wi th ba cteri os ta ti c wa ter (not >2 mL). Act-O-Vi a l (s el f-conta i ned powder for i njecti on pl us di l uent) ma y be recons ti tuted by pres s i ng the a cti va tor to force di l uent i nto the powder compa rtment. Fol l owi ng gentl e a gi ta ti on, s ol uti on ma y be wi thdra wn vi a s yri nge through a needl e i ns erted i nto the center of the s topper. Y-site administration: Compatible: Al l opuri nol, a mi fos ti ne, a ztreona m, cefepi me, cl a dri bi ne, cl a ri thromyci n, doceta xel, etopos i de, fa moti di ne, fi l gra s ti m, fl ucona zol e, fl uda ra bi ne, gemci ta bi ne, gra ni s etron, mel pha l a n, onda ns etron, pa cl i ta xel, pi pera ci l l i n/ta zoba cta m, teni pos i de, thi otepa, vi norel bi ne. Compatibility when admixed: Compatible: Ami ka ci n, a mphoteri ci n B, a mphoteri ci n B wi th hepa ri n, bl eomyci n, da ca rba zi ne, meta ra mi nol, s odi um bi ca rbona te, vera pa mi l. Y-site administration: Compatible: Acycl ovi r, a l l opuri nol, a mi fos ti ne, a mi nophyl l i ne, a mphoteri ci n B chol es teryl s ul fa the compl ex, a mpi ci l l i n, a ms a cri ne, a rga troba n, a tra curi um, a tropi ne, a ztreona m, beta metha s one s odi um phos pha te, bi va l i rudi n, ca l ci um gl ucona te, cefepi me, chl ordi a zepoxi de, chl orproma zi ne, ci s a tra curi um, cl a dri bi ne, cya nocoba l a mi n, cyta ra bi ne, dexa metha s one s odi um phos pha te, di goxi n, di phenhydra mi ne, doceta xel, dopa mi ne, doxorubi ci n l i pos ome, droperi dol, droperi dol a nd fenta nyl, edrophoni um, ena l a pri l a t, epi nephri ne, es mol ol, es trogens (conjuga ted), etha cryna the s odi um, etopos i de, fa moti di ne, fenta nyl, fi l gra s ti m, fl uda ra bi ne, fl uoroura ci l, fos ca rnet, furos emi de, ga ti fl oxa ci n, gemci ta bi ne, gra ni s etron, hepa ri n, hydra l a zi ne, i na mri none, i ns ul i n (regul a r), i s oproterenol, ka na myci n, l i doca i ne, l i nezol i d, l ora zepa m, ma gnes i um s ul fa te, mel pha l a n, mena di ol s odi um di phos pha te, meperi di ne, methoxa mi ne, methyl ergonovi ne, mi nocycl i ne, morphi ne, neos ti gmi ne, ni ca rdi pi ne, norepi nephri ne, onda ns etron, oxa ci l l i n, oxytoci n, pa cl i ta xel, pa ncuroni um, peni ci l l i n G pota s s i um, penta zoci ne, phytona di one, pi pera ci l l i n/ta zoba cta m, proca i na mi de, prochl orpera zi ne edi s yl a te, propofol, propra nol ol, pyri dos ti gmi ne, remi fenta ni l, s copol a mi ne, s odi um bi ca rbona te, s ucci nyl chol i ne, ta crol i mus, teni pos i de, theophyl l i ne, thi otepa, tri metha pha n ca ms yl a te, tri methobenza mi de, vecuroni um, vi norel bi ne. Incompatible: Ci profl oxa ci n, di a zepa m, ergota mi ne, i da rubi ci n, mi da zol a m, phenytoi n, s a rgra mos ti m. Variable (consult detailed reference): Di l ti a zem, methyl predni s ol one s odi um s ucci na te, prometha zi ne. Compatibility in syringe: Compatible: Di a tri zoa the megl umi ne 52%, di a tri zoa the s odi um 8%, di a tri zoa the s odi um 60%, i ohexol, i opa mi dol, i otha l a ma the megl umi ne 60%, i oxa gl a the megl umi ne 39. Compatibility when admixed: Compatible: Ami ka ci n, a mi nophyl l i ne, a mphoteri ci n B, ca l ci um chl ori de, ca l ci um gl ucona te, chl ora mpheni col, cl i nda myci n, corti cotropi n, da unorubi ci n, di phenhydra mi ne, dopa mi ne, erythromyci n l a ctobi ona te, fl oxa ci l l i n, l i doca i ne, ma gnes i um s ul fa te, mephentermi ne, metroni da zol e, metroni da zol e wi th s odi um bi ca rbona te, mi tomyci n, mi toxa ntrone, norepi nephri ne, peni ci l l i n G pota s s i um, peni ci l l i n G s odi um, pi pera ci l l i n, pol ymyxi n B s ul fa te, pota s s i um chl ori de, proca i ne, s odi um bi ca rbona te, theophyl l i ne, thi openta l, va ncomyci n, vera pa mi l, vi ta mi n B compl ex wi th C. Incompatible: Ami nophyl l i ne wi th cepha l othi n, bl eomyci n, col i s ti metha te, ephedri ne, hydra l a zi ne, na fci l l i n, pentoba rbi ta l, phenoba rbi ta l, prochl orpera zi ne edi s yl a te, prometha zi ne. Variable (consult detailed reference): Amoba rbi ta l, a mpi ci l l i n, cyta ra bi ne, di menhydri na te, furos emi de, hepa ri n, ka na myci n, meta ra mi nol. Contra i ndi ca ti ons Hypers ens i ti vi ty to hydrocorti s one or a ny component of the formul a ti on; s eri ous i nfecti ons, except s epti c s hock or tubercul ous meni ngi ti s; vi ra l, funga l, or tubercul a r s ki n l es i ons; I. Dosage form specific issues: Topi ca l prepa ra ti ons: Avoi d us e of topi ca l prepa ra ti ons wi th occl us i ve dres s i ngs or on weepi ng or exuda ti ve l es i ons.

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Oriental cockroaches have also been reported in sewers in Germany (Pospischil spasms in your back buy carbamazepine pills in toronto, 2004) and Hungary (Bajomi muscle spasms 72885 buy carbamazepine with mastercard, Kis-Varga & Bбnki spasms with fever quality 200 mg carbamazepine, 1993) spasms after surgery carbamazepine 200 mg free shipping. In Germany, they are also pests in public baths, bakeries and breweries (Pospischil, 2004). In the south-western United States, they are primarily found outside structures, around water meter boxes and woodpiles and under uplifted concrete walks (Cornwell, 1968). Oriental cockroaches have been observed feeding on garbage, dead insects, slugs, bird droppings and turf grass, but areas where pets are fed outdoors frequently become heavily infested. Oriental cockroaches are not limited by temperature throughout much of the United Kingdom and western Europe, if it can avoid short-term exposures to extremely low temperatures (le Patourel, 1993). Outdoor populations may survive in urban areas if heated buildings provide attractive harbourages. Critical temperatures for formation of ootheca, viability and successful hatch are between 15 °C and 20 °C (le Patourel, 1995). If the temperature is reduced to around 15°C, the populations can be arrested and will decline. Oriental cockroaches remain close to preferred harbourages and existing refuge (Mielke, 1996). Nymphs are most likely to initiate movement to new harbourages, depending on the distance. Increased temperature (29­38°C) and relative humidity between 48% and 70% decreases activity and increases the radius of movement. In the eastern United States, oriental cockroaches remained near preferred harbourages, aggregating around crawl spaces and vents under structures and with only 2% moving indoors (Thoms & Robinson, 1986). Smokybrown cockroach the smokybrown cockroach is commonly found in the south-eastern United States, except in central and southern Florida where it is replaced by the Australian cockroach (Atkinson, Koehler & Patterson, 1991). The lower and upper temperature limits on their development are 15 єC and 35 єC, respectively (Benson, Zungoli & Smith, 1994). The distribution could extend to all subtropical areas of the world, and isolated infestations could survive in any modern city (Appel & Smith, 2002). The unpatterned pronotum ­ that is, the upper or dorsal surface of the prothorax ­ is distinguishable among the other species of pestiferous Periplaneta. Both sexes have full wings, unlike female oriental and Turkestan cockroaches that are brachypterous ­ that is, having very short or rudimentary wings. Early instars are easily recognized by distinctive white-banded antennae, white mesonotum (the dorsal portion of the mesothorax) 59 2. Oriental cockroach the oriental cockroach is probably indigenous to North Africa, inhabiting climates that combine summer heat and moderate winter temperatures. Oriental cockroaches are a major domiciliary pest in England and are found in northern cities of the United States and throughout Europe. In the United Kingdom, the favourite localities in structures for oriental cockroaches are the cellar, boiler room and heating ducts (Cornwell, 1968). Surveys of pest control service technicians throughout the United Kingdom indicated that oriental cockroaches were found indoors (in all questionnaires) and outdoors about 60% of the time (Alexander, Newton & Crow, 1991). In the Czech Republic and in Slovakia, the prevalence of oriental cockroaches has been declining, probably because of changes in building practices (Stejskal & Verner, 1996). In Hungary, apartments older 58 Cockroaches Public Health Significance of Urban Pests and whitish first two abdominal nota (the dorsal parts of the first two abdominal segments). Outdoors, smokybrown cockroaches are likely to be found in woodpiles, bark, leaf mulch, tree holes, planters and utility vaults. Smokybrown cockroaches will occasionally invade structures; however, sustained indoor breeding populations are rare. The proximity of preferred habitats close to homes is responsible for domestic infestations (Brenner & Pierce, 1991). Preferred indoor harbourages include empty spaces of porch and carport ceilings, exterior walls of furnace rooms and empty spaces of water damaged walls (Appel & Smith, 2002). Like the oriental cockroach, the smokybrown cockroach has a restricted small outdoor home range (less than 280 m2) and restricted movements near harbourages, such as under decks and within debris that offers dark hiding places (Appel & Rust, 1985). Traps or baits in these areas dramatically reduce populations, eliminating the need for perimeter spraying. The incidence of smokybrown cockroaches in urban habitats has led to the development of a cockroach habitat index (Smith et al.

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