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By: N. Owen, MD

Professor, Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine

Osteopathic treatment of effects and Chiropractic adjustments of the cause of hives are certainly dissimilar bacteria filter roxithromycin 150mg for sale. The Chiropractor finds a lesion at 5th cervical for smallpox do antibiotics clear acne for good order roxithromycin 150mg online, and one in the lumbar for the discharging ulcer antimicrobial vitamin list purchase roxithromycin 150 mg with mastercard. One reports a case diagnosed as abdominal tumor bacteria 4th grade science generic 150 mg roxithromycin amex, floating kidneys and enlarged spleen. He says: "It will require a surgical operation to determine just what it is and where located. I would be ashamed to know that I had graduated one who could not diagnose between the above three pathological conditions without turning the patient over to the surgeon. You do not forget the early days of Osteopathy, nor the two legal meetings of Osteopathy and Chiropractic in Wisconsin. The Philosophy of Chiropractic is founded upon the knowledge of the manner in which vital functions are performed by Innate in health and disease. When this controlling intelligence is able to transmit mental impulses to all parts of the body, free and unobstructed, we have normal action which is health. Innate directs its vital energy thru the nervous system to specialize the co-ordination of sensation and volition thru the cumulative and vegetative functions. Displacement of any part of the skeletal frame may press against nerves, which are the channels of communication, intensifying or decreasing their carrying capacity; creating either too much or not enough functionating, an aberration known as disease. The nature of the affection depends upon the shape of the bone, the amount of pressure, age of patient, character of nerves impinged upon and the individual make-up. Chiropractors adjust, by hand, all displacements of the 200 bones, more especially those of the vertebral column, for the purpose of removing nerve impingements which are the cause of deranged functions. The long bones and the vertebral processes are used as levers by which to adjust displacements of osseous tissue of the body. Knowing that our physical health and the intellectual progress of Innate (the personified portion of Universal Intelligence) depend upon the proper alignment of the skeletal frame we feel it our bounden duty to replace any displaced bones so that physical and spiritual health, happiness and the full fruition of earthly life may be fully enjoyed. Chiropractic resembles Osteopathy more so than any other method; yet they are as different as day is from night. Osteopaths state that Chiropractic is a part of Osteopathy; yet their schools affirm that they do not teach it. That the investigator may see the difference between the two methods, I append a definition of Osteopathy given by Dr. Still, the founder, states in his masterly work of 851 pages: "Diseases are recognized as only the result of the interruption of the onward Bow of the fluids of the body, in their various rounds to build up and tear down the various tissues in itself, and that when these tissues are normally built up and the waste material properly eliminated, health is the inevitable result. Still, the founder: "Natural flow of blood in health and disease is the effect of local or general disturbance of blood-that to excite the nerves causes muscles to contract and compress venous flow of blood to the heart; and the bones could be used as levers to relieve pressure on nerves, veins and arteries. It is barely possible that the author of this card is a Chiropractor and a physician. But the expression, a Chiropractic physician, or a physician Chiropractor, is the joining of two words of opposite meaning. The reasoning of an insane mind is co-ordinated by muscular movements of the body. A diseased condition may exist, a condition in which Innate is not able to transmit an impulse as given, and yet the mind and body may have the same degree; may be in harmony with each other and yet not be in accord with Innate. It has nothing in common with any other system and is not therapeutical, does not use remedies, does not treat, cure or heal. By water the solid foods are dissolved so they may be digested, absorbed and assimilated. The waste products leave the body in the urine as an aqueous solution, through the skin as insensible perspiration and by the way of the intestines as a semi-solid stool. Its stagnation means a lack of function, the result being one of the many forms of dropsy, which are named according to the portions of the body in which the infiltrated fluid finds lodgement. When functions are properly performed, when the tissue drainage is normal, when no more fluid is exuded into the capillary tubes than is needed, the proper amount escaping from the tissues by exudation into the compound tubular glands of the kidneys, the physiologic balance is maintained and there is health.

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If you are sure you have und erstood the inform ation in this section then you are read y to test yourself with Activity 4 antibiotic lotion purchase roxithromycin 150mg line. A m anicure m aybe given to clients with skin d isord ers treatment for uti in female dog safe roxithromycin 150 mg, w hich are not infectious infection thesaurus purchase roxithromycin 150 mg amex, only if there are no blisters and the skin is unbroken 10 antimicrobial agents purchase 150 mg roxithromycin with amex. Section 2: Disorders of the skin and nails Disorders of the skin the follow ing disord ers of the skin are not infectious and m ay not contraind icate a m anicure. H ow ever, if there are blisters or the skin is w eeping, d o not proceed with m anicure. Disorders of the nails In this m od ule the term d isord ers of the nail refers to a ny irregular cond ition of the nail w hich is not infectious. There are m any irregularities of the nail but w e w ill only id entify the m ost com m only seen ones. Rem em bering this term w ill help you to recall the nam es of som e of the nail irregularities. They w ill help you to id entify skin and nail irregularities that you m ay com e across in the salon. If there is no infection, proceed with m anicure: gently buff the nail with pum ice pow d er. These includ e: injury, careless filing, ill health, excessive use of alkaline prod ucts or a vitam in d eficiency. The cond ition is com m on on feet because of pressure on the toenails from poor fitting shoes and incorrect filing/ cutting of toenails. In severe cases the nail plate separates from the nail bed and curves at the free ed ge. If you are sure you have und erstood the inform ation in this section then you are read y to test yourself with Activity 5. In the table below m atch the follow ing term s with their d escriptions by placing a num ber next to the description. You also learned that the acid m antle of a healthy skin is said to have a pH of 5. To protect the skin and nails avoid exposing them to excessive w ater and harsh chem icals. To protect the skin and nails from the effects of d rying elem ents, gloves should be w orn and m oisturiser applied to the skin and nails regularly. These are: D ermatitis, Eczema and Psoriasis We d iscussed nail d isorders w hich require special attention w hen applying m anicure. The m ost im portant outcom e of this Section is your ability to id entify irregular cond itions of the skin and nail and to know w hen to refer clients for m ed ical attention; w hen you can proceed with an unrestricted m anicure; w hich cond itions require special care and w hen cond itions are contra -indicated to m anicure. Three characteristics of a healthy skin are: it is soft, moist and pliable and it has an acid mantle with a pH of 5. When w e refer to d iseases of skin and nail, w e refer to cond itions that are infectious and / or contagious and w hich are contra-indicated to m anicure. These cond itions are absolutely contra-ind icated for m anicure and pedicure w hich m eans that you must not d o a nail treatm ent. It is im portant for you, as a m anicurist/ pedicurist, to recognise infectious and contagious cond itions, since they m ust be attend ed to by a d octor. Section 1: Disease causing m icroorganism s Section 2: Skin and nails d iseases Learning Outcomes By the tim e you have com pleted this Unit, you should be able to: d escribe briefly three types of infection state d iseases caused by three types of infection Study Time To cover the content of this Unit w ill take you abou t 2-3 hours. Direct contam ination is w hen infection passes straight from one person to another. Direct contam ination m eans coming into contact with som eone w ho is ill and w ho is, sneezing and coughing. Ind irect contam ination is caused w hen the infection passes from one person to another through unclean objects. Used tow els, soiled linen and d irty tools are things found in the salon that can cause indirect contamination if not kept clean. Those that are harm ful to us are called pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi.

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