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By: G. Pakwan, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine

Our species took advantage of the lack of hominin competition and the bountiful resources both along the coasts and inland herbal viagra buy v-gel overnight delivery. The Americas had their own wide array of megafauna yavapai herbals best order v-gel, which included woolly mammoths wicked herbals amped discount v-gel 30gm visa, mastodons herbals and their uses buy 30gm v-gel with mastercard, camels, horses, ground sloths, giant tortoises, and-a favorite of researchers-a two-meter-tall beaver (Figure 12. The reason we cannot find these amazing animals today may be that Paleoindians hunted them all to extinction. Resources gained from these fauna must have been an important part of survival for people over 12,000 years ago (Araujo et al. Several sites are notable for what they add to our understanding of American prehistory, including interactions with megafauna and other elements of the environment. Modern Homo sapiens 467 Monte Verde is a landmark site that shows that the human population had expanded down the whole vertical stretch of the Americas to Chile by 14,600 years ago, only a few thousand years after humans first entered the Western Hemisphere from Alaska. Dillehay and his team (2015), revealing fragile material culture that is rarely preserved, including human footprints, animal hides, and wooden tools. The discovery of nine edible species of seaweed at the site shows familiarity with coastal resources that might have been passed down through generations of experience living near the ocean. A stemmed point, reminiscent of the coastal styles, was also among the lithics at Monte Verde (Figure 12. Named after the town in New Mexico, the Clovis stone tool style is the first example of a widespread Figure 12. Outside of Africa, megafauna such as this went extinct around the time that humans entered their range. Instead of a stem-shaped base, Clovis points were fluted with two small projections, one on each end of the base, facing away from the head (Figure 12. The stone points found at this site match those found as far as the Canadian border and northern Mexico, and from the west coast to the east coast of the United States. Fourteen Clovis sites also contained the remains of mammoths or mastodons, suggesting that hunting megafauna with these points was an important part of life for the Clovis people. After the spread of the Clovis style, it diversified into several regional styles, keeping some of the Clovis form but also developing their own unique touches. Only one site has a human burial containing Clovis tools: Anzick in western Montana. The individual, Anzick-1, is a male infant dated to 12,800 years ago (Rasmussen et al. He was buried with over 100 Clovis stone and bone tools that were coated in ochre. The Clovis point has a wider tip and the base has two small projections instead of a single large stem. This example was carved from chert and found in north central Ohio, dated to around 11 kya. Research in prehistoric Native American origins found some surprising details, refining older models. Genetically, the migration can be considered one long period of movement, with splits into regional populations. This finding matches the sudden appearance of the homegrown Clovis culture, its rapid expansion, and the radiation of descendant cultures in North America. A few thousand years after arrival into the hemisphere, people had already covered the Americas from north to south. The peopling of the Americas also had a lot of common elements with the prior spread of humans across Africa, Europe, 468 Modern Homo sapiens Asia, and Australia. In all of these expansions, people explored new lands that tested both the cultural and biological adaptations of the pioneers. Besides stone tool technology, the use of ochre as decoration was seen from South Africa to South America. The coasts and rivers were likely avenues in the movement of people, artifacts, and ideas, outlining the land masses while providing access to varied environments. The presence of megafauna aided human success, but this resource was eventually depleted in many parts of the world.

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